The end of one chapter and the beginning of another is here again.
If you think I will start this article by saying that last year has been a difficult, unsuccessful one, you're wrong. No matter how your year has been, you certainly have tried, failed and succeeded at some things.
No matter what happened, there must be some things to be happy and proud about.
But, there is always the same BUT, you are not proud this year on some things you really wanted to put on your "Successes List".
The biggest realization I have had this year is that I can easily complicate things for myself, especially when trying to solve them. Or that I can overthink things and act in haste because of that. My mind can make so many steps, run miles before my legs even move.
I still haven't found the perfect solution for this but I have something special for you today.
I have decided to respect two things, moving forward.
The first one is to invest only in people who invest in me.
Now, you may think this is very selfish and difficult to do and you may be even right. Our lives are very busy and complex. Who has enough time to spend with anyone? We are trying to survive here.
We are tortured with dilemmas and doubts. Confusion comes easily to sway us away. There is always a new shiny thing, an interesting new person who might just be the one. It turns out it is not as negative. It is not as crazy.
There is something we can practice. When someone gives you love, provides value, support and security, give it back. And when you are the one in the provider role, expect it back.
You have every right to expect it back.
The second one is to work on my goals using one simple formula. Not, three planners, an endless to-do list and a complicated process for achieving goals. I will try my best not to overthink, to take one step, just one in front of me and to enjoy in the process.
This simple formula allows you to gain clarity in the process of achieving your goals.
Clarity always clears aways the procrastination. And all of this together directly leads to action.
These are the four questions that are a part of formula:
- Q1 - What is my goal? (Preferably written in present tense, as if you have already achieved it, and with a set deadline. I drive... I live in... I am fluent in.... I work for... I own a business that... etc)
- Q2 - Why do I want this goal? (What is my reason for achieving this goal. If your why is strong enough, you will find the time when there is no time, you will work even when you're tired or sad or stressed.)
- Q3 - How will I achieve my goal? (What is the first step I would need to take to start moving in the my goal's direction? Just one, let's not complicate this. When you finish the first one, you will set the second one for yourself.)
- Q4 - When in my day or week will I work on this goal? (Is it a 6PM workout? Is it waking up one hour earlier so you would have 30 minutes to learn German?)
I hope this has stired you up a little bit. I hope this has made you think and possibly lead to realize that it is all possible for you. And that the way to get it doesn't need to be complicated.
It can be as simple as setting an hour away for a workout. It can be planning a nice weekly date with your special person. It can be saving money for skiing classes. It can be anything.
It is all possible.